Topic outline

  • Whole Course Resources

    Essential Questions

    1. How do multiplication and division and multiplication help us solve problems? What types of problems?
    2. How can we represent our thinking about multiplication and division?
    3. How are multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction all related? How do we know when to use each?
    4. How can we use one multiplication fact to determine another?
    5. How can we use one division fact to determine another?
    6. Which multiplication and division facts should be memorized? And when is it OK or better to estimate or use a strategy or a calculator?



    Fluency by Amplify

    Number Hives

  • Lesson 1: Equal Groups (Sets)

    I will...

    1. Do the Introduction to Equal Groups.
    2. Play The Pizza Game and variations on it.
    3. Do leveled picture drills for Equal Sets
    4. Do JUMP Division Worksheets - Visuals


    So I can...

    1. Translate fluently between manipulatives, pictures, and stories.
    2. Parse and describe equal grouping situations in terms of number of groups, amount per group, and total.


    As assessed by...

    [Coming soon]


  • Lesson 2: Equal Rows

    I will...

    1. Play area games!
    2. Solve problems with areas & arrays. [Under construction]


    So I can...

    1. Translate fluently between manipulatives, pictures, and stories.
    2. Parse and describe equal row situations in terms of number of rows, amount per row, and total.


    As assessed by...

    [Coming soon]

  • Lesson 3: Equal Jumps

    I will...

    1. Model equal jump problems on a number track [Select document B in the left panel then press "Recompile"].


    So I can...

    1. Translate fluently between manipulatives, pictures, and stories.
    2. Parse and describe equal jump situations in terms of number of steps, amount per step, and total.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]


  • Lesson 4: Groups, Rows, Jumps, and Commutativity

    I will...

    [coming soon]


    So I can...

    1. Translate fluently between all visual representations of equal sets.
    2. Generate and describe examples of how they correspond.
    3. Show commutativity in all groups, rows, and arrays.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Cumulative Checkpoint 1

    [coming soon]

  • Objective 3.9 Remainders

    I will..

    1. Play the Factor Game.
    2. Play Last to Zero.
    3. Do Leveled Drills for Remainders 
    4. Drill solving and representing remainders in groups, rows, and jump situations. [Under construction.]
    5. Do JUMP Mult & Div Review, with Remainders
    6. Learn to use the words "multiple" and "factor" and how they relate to remainders and divisibility. I'll be able to describe all the divisibility rules and create examples to show them.


    So I can...

    1. Explain and demonstrate with my own examples when and why remainders occur, what they are, and how to interpret them in context for all previous representation.
    2. Explain my reasoning using the words “multiple” and “factor”.
    3. Use equations to record my thinking about remainders.


    As asssessed by...

    2.9.2 Students will be fluent in solving division equations with and without remainders (15 solutions per minute, 95% accuracy, can do orally as teacher or tutor writes). Remainder Drills - Division Only

    2.9.3 Students will be fluent in solving equations involving remainders and determine a corresponding multiplication or division statement. Example: \( 7 \div 2 = 3\ R1 \iff 2 \times 3 + 1 = 7 \)

    2.9.4 Students will be able to generate examples of all of the above.

  • Lesson 6: Equations

    I will...

    1. Do leveled drills on equations.   


    So I can...

    1. Translate fluently between previous representations, repeated addition and repeated subtraction equations, and multiplication and division equations.
    2. Recognize and explain when to multiply and when to divide.
    3. Show and explain the relationship between all operations.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Lesson 7: Counting by 2, 5, and 10

    I will...

    1. Skip Counting
    2. Tic-Tac-Toe Products


    So I can...

    1. Count by 2, 5, and 10 up to 10 groups, without reference to ones. I use automatic recall or addition strategies instead.
    2. Show my thinking with manipulatives, number tracks and/or number lines, aloud, and in written sequences and tables.
    3. Use skip counting to solve equations and I always pick the easier skip count when possible.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]


  • Lesson 8: Counting by 3, 4, and 9 [ongoing]

    I will...

    1. Mr DeMaio's Multiplication Songs (actually skip counting)
    2. Figure out Which Number Doesn't Belong [source: Mindtrap's "Geometrical Riddles"]


    So I can...

    1. Count fluently by 3, 4, and 9 up to 10 groups, without reference to ones. I use automatic recall or addition strategies instead.
    2. Show my thinking with manipulatives, number tracks and/or number lines, aloud, and in written sequences and tables.
    3. Use skip counting to solve equations and I always pick the easier skip count when possible. 


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Lesson 9: Counting by 6, 7, and 8 [ongoing]

    I will...

    1. Mr DeMaio's Multiplication Songs (actually skip counting)


    So I can...

    1. Count fluently by 6, 7, and 8, up to 10 groups, without reference to ones. I use automatic recall or addition strategies instead.
    2. Show my thinking with manipulatives, number tracks and/or number lines, aloud, and in written sequences and tables.
    3. Use skip counting to solve equations and I always pick the easier skip count when possible. 


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]


  • Cumulative Checkpoint 2

  • Lesson 10: Beginner Times Tables [ongoing]

    I will...

    1. Print the Times Tables and track my progress on it.
    2. Practice Incremental Multiplication Facts (will have to create a new copy for each student).
    3. Learn the patterns of the 6 and 9 times table, then drill them.
    4. Play!
    5. Do progressive fact drills


    So I can...

    1. I can demonstrate automatic recall for the 0, 1, 2, and 10 times tables.
    2. I can demonstrate fluency in multiplying by 10 then dividing by 2 and/or using recall for the 5 times table.
    3. I can apply the distributive property for the 9, 6, and 3 times tables. I can represent my thinking in a variety of ways.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Lesson 11: Intermediate Times Tables, 60 and 100 [ongoing]

    I will...

    1. Play Meteor Multiplication.
    2. Drill the Factors of 100.
    3. Learn the Factors of 60
    4. Practice Incremental Multiplication Facts.


    I can...

    1. Use repeated doubling strategies for the 4 and 8 times table.
    2. Demonstrate automatic recall, fluency in strategies and/or mnemonics, for all remaining times table facts.
    3. Demonstrate automatic recall for all factor pairs of 60 and 100.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Lesson 12: Advanced Times Tables [ongoing]

    I will...

    1. Play Meteor Multiplication
    2. Play variations on Tic-Tac-Toe
    3. Do × & ÷ Fact Drills
    4. Distributive Property Drills
    5. Practice Incremental Multiplication Facts.


    So I can...

    1. Demonstrate such fluency in all of the previous strategies and/or have such automatic recall for all times table facts that looking up answers, drawing, guessing, or counting all slow me down.
    2. Demonstrate flexibility and fluency in using strategies to multiply and divide within 100. I can record my thinking with equations and diagrams.
    3. Apply my skills in context and create a visual if necessary.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Lesson 13: Comparisons

    I will...

    [coming soon]


    So I can...

    1. I can translate fluently between direct models (linear and discrete), pictures, words, and counting.
    2. I can compare quantities using subtraction and division, record my thinking with equations, and interpret appropriately in context.


    As assessed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Lesson 14: Ratios, Rates, and Proportions

    I will...

    [under construction]


    I can...

    1. Use multiplication and division to solve simple applications involving ratios and rates.
    2. Succeed at rich problems and mini numeracy tasks by myself.


    As assesssed by...

    [coming soon]

  • Exit Assessment